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21Bruno I.,
Grazulis S.,
Helliwell J.R.,
Kabekkodu S.N.,
McMahon B.,
Westbrook J.
Crystallography and Databases
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Data Science J.2017161-17
22Aroyo M.I.,
de la Flor G.,
Kirov A.,
Orobengoa D.,
Perez-Mato J.M.,
Tasci E.S.
Crystallography online: Bilbao Crystallographic Server
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23Butkus J.,
Chateigner D.,
Downs R.T.,
Grazulis S.,
Le Bail A.,
Lutterotti L.,
Manakova E.,
Moeck P.,
Quiros M.,
Yokochi A.F.T.
Crystallography Open Database – an open-access collection of crystal structures
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24Gough S.R.,
Rodgers J.R.,
Villars P.,
Wood G.H.
CRYSTMET – The NRCC metals crystallographic data file
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25Le Page Y.,
Rodgers J.R.,
White P.S.
CRYSTMET: a database of the structures and powder patterns of metals and intermetallics
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Acta Crystallogr.2002583343-348
26Bergerhoff G.Data base for inorganic crystal structures
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27Buchsbaum C.,
Hohler-Schlimm S.,
Rehme S.
Data Bases, the Base for Data Mining
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Structure & Bonding, Data Mining in Crystallography. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 201013437-58
28Asada Y.,
Kurihara Y.,
Nakada E.,
Yokokawa T.,
Yoshikawa A.
Database for materials design of multi-layered superconductors
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29Knio O.,
Medford A.J.,
Nair S.,
Sholl D.S.
Database of Computation-Ready 2D Zeolitic Slabs
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30Arapan S.,
Barandiaran J.M.,
DelBrio N.L.,
Echevarria-Bonet C.,
Eriksson O.,
Gutfleisch O.,
Herper H.C.,
Kovacs A.,
Marticorena-Sanchez R.,
Maudes-Raedo J.,
Nieves P.,
Salazar D.,
Schrefl T.,
Database of novel magnetic materials for high-performance permanent magnet development
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31Li J.-Y.,
Qi M.,
Xu R.-R.,
Yan Y.,
Yu J.-H.,
Zhang X.
Database of open-framework aluminophosphate syntheses: introduction and application (I)
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Science in China.Chemistry2009B52101734-1738
32Dudarev V.A.,
Kiselyova N.N.,
Korzhuev M.A.
Database on bandgaps of inorganic substances and materials
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Inorganic Materials: Applied Research2016v.7N.1P.34-39
33Bonificio W.D.,
Borg C.K.H.,
Clarke D.R.,
Gaultois M.W.,
Seshadri R.,
Sparks T.D.
Data-Driven Review of Thermoelectric Materials: Performance and Resource Considerations
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34Gankin Y.,
Mazurin O.V.
Determination of the most reliable glass property values by the SciGlass information system
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Proc. XX ICG, Kyoto, Sep.27-Oct.1, 20042004O-07-009
35Droge T.,
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DETHERM – a thermophysical property database
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Fluid Phase Equil.1999158-160429-435
36Ashino T.,
Fujita M.,
Kaji Y.,
Mashiko S.,
Miyakawa S.,
Shimura K.,
Tsuji H.,
Xu Y.,
Yoshida K.
Development of a knowledge based system linked to a materials database
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Data Science J.2004388-95
37Wang H.,
Xu Y.,
Yagi K.,
Yamazaki M.
Development of an Internet system for composite design and thermophysical property prediction
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38Bilbao y Leon S.,
Jo S.,
Kim J.,
Kim Y.
Development of an Online Nuclear Materials Thermo-physical Property Database (THERPRO)
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J.Korean Phys.Soc.2011V.59N.8P.1107-1110
39Baba T.,
Yagi T.,
Yamashita Y.
Development of Network Database System for Thermophysical Property Data of Thin Films
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40Ishida K.,
Kainuma R.,
Liu X. J.,
Ohnuma I.,
Wang C.P.
Development of thermodynamic and kinetic databases in micro-soldering alloy systems and their applications
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Progress in Natural Science: Materials International2011V.21N.2P.97-110

Всего найдено: 173. 1-20, 21-40, 41-60, 61-80, 81-100, 101-120, 121-140, 141-160, 161-173

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