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101Kaji Y.,
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Status of JAERI material performance database (JMPD) and analysis of irradiation assisted stress corrosion cracking (IASCC) data
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TAF-ID: An international thermodynamic database for nuclear fuels applications
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103Downs R.T.,
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The American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database
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104Watson D.G.The Cambridge Structural Database (CSD): Current Activities and Future Plans
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105Allen F.H.,
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The Cambridge Structural Database in Retrospect and Prospect
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106Allen F.H.The Cambridge Structural Database: a quarter of a million crystal structures and rising
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Acta Crystallogr.2002583380-388
107Chen X.,
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The development of a materials database in China
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108Allen F.H.,
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The development of versions 3 and 4 of the Cambridge structural database system
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J.Chem.Inf. and Comput.Sci.1991312187-204
109Bergerhoff G.,
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The Inorganic Crystal Structure Data Base
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J.Chem.Inf. and Comput.Sci.19832366-69
110Hellenbrandt M.The inorganic crystal structure database (ICSD) – present and future
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111Deplanque R.,
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The Integrated Gmelin Information System New developments in information processing
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112Allmann R.,
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The introduction of structure types into the Inorganic Crystal Structure Database ICSD
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Acta Crystallogr.200763412-417
113Iwata S.,
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The Linus Pauling file (LPF) and its application to materials design
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J.Alloys and Compounds19982791-7
114Cholia S.,
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The Materials Project: Accelerating Materials Design Through Theory-Driven Data and Tools
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In: Andreoni W., Yip S. (eds) Handbook of Materials Modeling. Springer, Cham2018P.1-34
115Effenberg G.The MSIT® workplace, access to materials chemistry data and knowledge
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116Osthols E.E.,
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The NEA thermochemical data base project. OECD Nuclear Energy Agency
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The NEA thermochemical data base project. OECD Nuclear Energy Agency200021 p.
117Boboshin I.N.,
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The new ENSDF search system NESSY: IBM/PC nuclear spectroscopy database
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118Hermann K.,
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The NIST Surface Structure Database –SSD version 4
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Acta Crystallogr.2002583338-342
119Aykol M.,
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The Open Quantum Materials Database (OQMD): assessing the accuracy of DFT formation energies
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npj Comp.Mater.2015V.1Article number: 15010P.1-15
120Blokhin E.,
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The PAULING FILE Project and Materials Platform for Data Science: From Big Data Toward Materials Genome
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Handbook of Materials Modeling, Springer Int. Publ. AG2018p.1-26

Всего найдено: 173. 1-20, 21-40, 41-60, 61-80, 81-100, 101-120, 121-140, 141-160, 161-173

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